Litter Box Issues
One of the top THREE reasons that people give up their cats, is due to litter box issues.
At The Comfie Cat Shelter, we have seen it time and time again, "we cannot keep her, she is peeing outside the litter box", "there is nothing wrong with him, he just won't use his litter box". All too common this is the reason people decide to give up on their family cat. What they don't realize, there are so many reasons for a cat to not use their litter box. We have included some excellent resource articles to read through and chances are, if you are experiencing this issue with your cat and you are thinking of surrendering him/her because of it, you should take the time to figure out if one of these (or more) might just be why. You owe it to your loyal companion to find out why.
Some Common Reasons Why Cats Stop Using the Litter Box
Solving Your Cat’s Litter Box Problem: 6 Mistakes to Avoid
Senior Cats and the Litter Box - Make Environmental Changes as Necessary for Your Cat
How Many Litter Boxes Should You Have?
Why Does My Cat Pee on the Bed?
Litter Box Problems in a Multicat Home: How to Identify the Culprit
Litter Box Problems Due to Location Aversion
How to Train an Outdoor Cat to Use the Litter Box
Your Indoor/Outdoor Cat Needs an Indoor Litter Box