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Effective Immediately

The Comfie Cat Shelter has now been forced to CLOSE ALL SURRENDER INTAKE. We are so saddened to have to do this, but we have been absolutely overwhelmed by the number of surrenders that have come to our shelter. Please check with another local rescue who may be able to assist you.

We do not take walk-in surrenders.

Green Eyed Cat

Surrendering Your Cat To The Comfie Cat Shelter

We at the Comfie Cat Shelter understand and sympathize that sometimes one can't keep their cats for various reasons. Sometimes allergies develop. Sometimes families are left to deal with their loved ones' pets when their owner passes away. Sometimes one's living situations change. Sometimes one finds a stray cat and just wants to see them get their best chance at a good life. 


We strive to help these cats find their forever homes, and in the meantime ensure they have a safe place to stay where they will get regular meals, basic medical care, and have people to love them.


Did you know, it costs The Comfie Cat Shelter on average $250 per cat to have them spayed/neutered, vaccinated against distemper and rabies?


As a charity that operates without government funding and is 100% donation based, we are sure you can imagine how difficult it is for us to pay that amount ourselves each time a cat walks through our doors. That isn't even taking into consideration if a cat requires further medical care if it has been injured, is ill, or requires dental work. Unfortunately, there has been a steady increase of the number of cats that come into our care needing dental work, which averages $2000 per cat, and for us, that is a serious hit. These are all factors to seriously consider when surrendering a cat to us whether it be your owned cat or a stray you have found. With that in mind, we do ask for a monetary donation to surrender a cat, however, we will not turn away an animal based on an ability to pay a surrender donation. Please note that your donation goes towards ensuring that we can continue to help animals in need. Again, as the shelter is 100% donation funded and whatever you can afford to give would be appreciated.


If our shelter is full, we will put you on our waiting list.


We require as much information you can give us about the cat(s). When surrendering the cat please include ALL medical records including CERTIFICATION OF SPAY/NEUTER as well as VACCINATIONS. Any information you can provide about the cat would be useful, including if the cat is good with kids, other cats, dogs, or not friendly with people.


If you are surrendering a cat due to the owner's passing, a Power of Attorney or a Death Certificate will be required in the case of surrendering another person's cat.


Please note that we do recognize the struggles of life and for the benefit of the cat's future, appreciate full transparency of your situation.



Common reasons for surrendering a cat to the shelter and resources to help you keep your pet instead


We are moving (and can't take the cat with us)

This is the most common reason we get for people surrendering their cat. While we understand that some places do not allow pets, most moving situations are not immediate leaving plenty of time to find a pet-friendly alternative. If you need more time, see if a family member or friend can temporarily foster your cat until you find what you need. Please be sure to be considerate and set a rough time-line with your foster and be sure they do not incur any expense to take care of your pet. If that is not an option, see if you can board your cat for a week or two while you look for accommodations. 


Be sure to obtain a written reference from your current landlord expressing your responsibility as a pet owner and renter. Many restrictions against pets in a rental situation are from previous renters that have been irresponsible owners allowing their pets to damage the property.


My Cat Keeps Peeing Outside The Litter Box

More times than not, this issue is medical related, ranging from kidney problems, urinary infections to diabetes. Your first contact should be to your veterinarian to rule out any medical issue and if it is medical related, your vet can assist you with the best course of action. Please note though, if this has become a habit for your cat, it will take some time to break the cycle and go back to normal.


If your feline is healthy, the issues could be stress related. If there has been any changes within the house, it could contribute to the cat doing it out of spite or confusion. Try placing your cat in a quiet place (with their living essentials) away from any noise in the home for a few days and see if this helps.


Other reasons that your cat might be peeing outside of their litter box:

  • There aren't enough litter boxes. General rule is to have one litter box per cat PLUS one. Cat's won't use a particularly dirty litter box and often prefer one with only their scent in it.


  • They aren't located in enough areas of the home. Ideally, there should be at least one litter box per floor of your home. 


  • Cats can be picky, try different kinds of litter boxes. Some cats like the enclosed type, some don't. Ease of access is often an important factor for your feline as well. Experiment a little to see what works best for your fury friend.


  • It might be the type of litter. Again, fickle kitties. Try switching the brand of litter you are using as some cats object to certain textures of litter.


  • Bad experiences. If you are multiple cats in your home, there may be a clash of the cats in the area of the litter box, one of them might begin to avoid that area. This is an easily resolved issue by adding another litter box in a different location of your home.





My Cat Is Pregnant

We cannot express enough how important spaying your female cat (and neutering your male cat). It is a must for responsible pet ownership. Female cats can give birth as early as six month old and should be spayed when they reach five months at the very least. Spaying is essential for the health and wellbeing of your cat as well as preventing many cases of uterine infections and cancers.


Neutering males reduces spraying and helps prevent prostate and testicular cancer. There are so many unwanted kittens in the world we most do everything within our power to help stop the cycle.


There are now organizations that offer reduced fees for spaying/neutering, here you will find one.


My Cat Doesn't Get Along With My Other Cat(s)

If you have recently adopted a new cat and it is being aggressive with your existing feline(s), you may have no other choice than to return your adopted feline to the shelter. Your first responsibility should be to your cat that was in the home originally. As humans, we don't always like people we meet, animals are no different.


If on the other hand you have had multiple cats in the home and one suddenly becomes aggressive, you have to do a little work to discover what the likely issue is. Perhaps the cat is reacting to changes in the household, if not, than a visit to the vet may be in order. Often times if one cat becomes unwell, it will take out their pain on other housemates. 


Tip - try to temporarily separate them in different areas of the house and if aggression is an issue, but sure to have them completely separated when alone in the home.


Visit our RESOURCE PAGE for a full list of reasons and solutions to cat harmony.




I Can't Afford To Care For My Cat Anymore

We realize that the cost of veterinary care continues to rise, as does the cost of food and litter. It is absolutely devastating when you love them and cared for them but life throws a huge curve ball your way (you lose your job, become ill and the money just isn't there to stretch). There are resources available to you! Many humane societies and even food banks run pet food banks to help people keep their pets. There are also funds set up for vital vet care, or your vet may have workable payment plans to lighten the load, it is worth the ask, the worst they can say is 'no'.


If You Have Exhausted Every Option - Let Surrender Be Your Absolute Last Resort

Life doesn't always go as planned, we know this, and we know that it is absolutely a heartbreaking decision to make to surrender your fury friend.  if you have exhausted every possible option and surrender is the last resort, here are a few tips:


  • Contact the rescue you adopted the cat from. Many shelters, ours included, ask that the animal they adopted out, be returned if you can no longer care for it.


  • Do not surrender a sick cat. This is very unfair to the rescue personnel who will do whatever it takes and spend the last of their resources to care for your sick cat. If a tough decision must be made due to illness, have the courage to make that decision yourself, for your precious feline. Please don't dump the responsibility off to an already fatigued shelter and staff.


  • If your cat is elderly but healthy, do everything you can to keep them with you. Older animals DO NOT do well in a shelter environment!!! It is also extremely difficult to find an adopter. If you absolutely must give up your feline, see if a friend or family member is willing to let your kitty live out the rest of their life in their home. A new home will require some adjustment, but it is way easier on them than a noisy and often packed shelter.


  • Do not surrender your cat in the spring or summer. Shelters are overwhelmed during this period we call 'kitten season'. While we are a no-kill shelter, during this time of year you will likely be put on a wait list. It is unlikely you will find many non-euthanizing shelters which will accommodate your cat. If you do surrender to a euthanizing shelter during kitten season, your adult cat will most likely be at the top of the list to be put down. 


Your cat provides you with love, compassion and companionship and they do not ask for much in return, the least we can do is provide them with a safe, loving home for their lifetime. If you have absolutely no other choice but to surrender please consider what is the best for you and your cat.

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